Switching Things Up


So, to those that have noticed, I’m not posting much currently. Why? The main reason is due to restructuring my life a bit, but another thing that has been possessing me is to write things in a less structured manner. I’ve been writing about specific topics so far, to the point of having them planned out as far as titles and then writing them individually once I have the time to write. Plus, making articles twice a week isn’t so practical anymore.

So, I’m changing a few things in the hopes of re-igniting my creative spirit. The biggest change will be not having a set time for posts. This means posts can appear at any time of day, on any day. Schedules were never kind to me anyway, so I figure this will be a bit easier to do. Secondly, I’m not limiting myself to just spiritual matters. Some things I post will be very spiritual in nature still, but I’ve been inspired to think of things that are more grounded to Earth, but that can also help people in their lives in more ways than just spiritually. I’ve been on a huge financial kick lately, so expect some posts about financial savings soon, and of course I’ll be tying that into the spiritual, so…more things from me are expected!

I hope this explains more about my silence lately, at least a little bit (My job hasn’t been taking as much from me lately, but I’m also helping with another garage sale). I’m thinking of launching the new blogs soon enough as well, but not sure when exactly. I’m still getting quite a few loose ends tied up into it, so it might be a little ways off. It is still being worked on, however, so no need to fear!

Intuition: Healing the Mind


Have you ever had a moment where you just knew something was going to happen, and had to change something based on nothing more than what you “felt” was going to happen? Like going out with friends, and feeling like you should go to the movies instead of going out to eat, only to find out had you gone to eat at the place you were thinking, discovering they’d be closed and you’d have nothing else to do that night, so it was a good thing you went to the movies anyway? Or maybe, you felt something was wrong, and tried looking for someone, only to find they had been hurt and that you needed to get them help. Or, maybe, you are a mother and just knew your child was in trouble at school, and made sure to reserve a few hours when you got home to help them through it.

These things may seem normal, or completely odd, depending how you look at it. It’s all based entirely on emotional reasoning, and there really isn’t much in the way that science can prove on this, but this type of reasoning is used everyday by millions of people. It is called intuition, and some people rely explicitly on it, even in the face of people that say there’s no possible way some things can known on such a level. Now, I won’t try to say there’s any scientific credibility to any of this, for I’m a firm believer in looking up things on your own instead of making someone have every bit of information, but I believe intuition is a real thing, and it has worked for me for planning quite a few things.

So, how can you get to the point of having intuition affect your life? Follow the jump and you might see just how!

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Spirituality: Going Forward


Spirituality is a winding road, and takes you to many places. I’ve talked about a few topics that have to do with spirituality, but I want to discuss more about how to carry this information forward into finding out what may make sense for your own thoughts. I’ll be keeping this a bit brief, since there isn’t really too much to discuss at this point, and this information is more general. Just follow the jump!

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Spirituality: Who YOU Are, Underneath it All


This one is going to be a bit different. Usually, I’m trying to define something as either what it is, or isn’t. This week, that’s definitely not going to be the case. Because of how broad spirituality is, it is very difficult to know where to go for all the answers. It’s difficult to find even a few answers, especially when it raises even more questions.

Well, get ready to play 20 questions with yourself. No, I don’t mean in a joking manner either. You’re going to be learning about yourself in a way that will not be easy, but will hopefully help you understand yourself in a greater light. This one is definitely not going to be easy, but it will be rewarding, even if the benefits don’t reveal themselves when you’re done.

I cannot say with more certainty that this is going to be one of those, “There’s no such thing as good or bad, but this will be something that will test every aspect of yourself” moments. In other words, I would want everyone reading this to go forward in this experience with the hopes of learning something about yourself. It could be good in your eyes, or bad, but this is a chance for spiritual growth, and I hope you all can view this as such.

Without further ado, let us begin after the jump.

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Spirituality and Religion: Separate but Equal?


So, this is going to be an interesting one. Then again, I always think they’re interesting ones, so…hopefully you might agree. This morning, we’re talking about the divide between spirituality and religion. This is going to be very detailed, and there’s a fine line between the two, so I’ll try my best to provide my thoughts on what makes them different.

Before anyone starts screaming “These are the same thing!” I want to point out that I’ve had experiences with both religion and spirituality, so I can kinda compare them. I’ll go into all the juicy details after the jump, so just follow me in!

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Becoming Spiritual: Changing your Viewpoint


So, you wish to become spiritual, but you don’t entirely know how to go about it? Fear not, as we’ll be discussing this today. Though, this isn’t for the faint of heart, but it can be the bridge between the reality and the unconditional happiness you are seeking.

A bit of a warning before we proceed: While this can hopefully help you see happiness everywhere, it doesn’t immediately mean that you’ll never be unhappy again. This isn’t a lesson on blissful ignorance, or anything of the sort. This is about how to see the brighter things in life, and how to make things that should matter to you become a guiding force in your life. The biggest thing to remember, even if you read nothing else in this post, is that your thoughts matter a lot more than you realize. If you think positive, you truly can change your perspective at its core.

Ready to make the jump? Continue reading

Spirituality: A Sampler


Oh, you can tell this is going to be a good one. This is where there’s a huge debate, and I’m going to be touching on a lot of things on this very subject. Welcome to the Monday edition of my blog, where I touch on things that are a little less than conventional. Then again, not much here actually “is” conventional, in the face of the vocal minority.

Please note that this is more of a catch-all article and may not have exactly what you’re thinking. If you’re looking for specifics about what spirituality actually is, I recommend waiting until next week. In the meantime, enjoy the ride! Continue reading