Site Plans


I want to take a little time to throw a little thought out there for anyone that comes across this site. I’ve actually got a few things I want to make so that more thoughts on topics can be shared easier. It’ll still take some time, but I’m thinking it can be done, if I can get others willing to chip in on this. Check the jump to find out!

I have been thinking seriously about taking a previous project I was going to do, and putting this into it. I had thought about making an adoptables site, but I long since figured out that, without the right team, it wouldn’t really work so well. However, I have decided that an easier goal might be to have a few friends working with me on a kind of spirituality site. The goal would be to share our thoughts with others and to see how people might think on things.

We can share our thoughts on spirituality, and it wouldn’t be limited to my own words. I could set up a few people with a blog of their own, on my site, and with greater flexibility. It’s just a thought of mine, and I’m wondering if others would be willing to join in on this. In fact, you could say I’ve already started toying with the idea so much that I’ve started working on the site.

Of course, I wouldn’t be able to do it alone. I’d need some people willing to write their own content as well, and I figured some people would be interested in doing so. It doesn’t have to be as organized as me (which, honestly, I’m not that organized, really), but just a little bit of content every now and then would be awesome.

I want to see where different experiences can lead us, and influence our points of view. I’m just truly interested to see what others may have to share. If anyone would be interested, just let me know. I want to build up more people willing to view things before I fall head-over-heels into it, but it’s something I’ve been thinking about.

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